Myndighetene på Kypros og i Østerike tar nye solide stråletåkegrep: The 2017 Nicosia Declaration on Electromagnetic and Radiofrequency Radiation

"Since you love us, why do you radiate us with wireless and with mobile phones? We have a right to health. You have the ability to protect us."
"Since you love us, why do you radiate us with wireless and with mobile phones? We have a right to health. You have the ability to protect us."

The Cyprus Medical Association and the Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health, the Austrian Medical Chamber and the Medical Chamber of Vienna issue a new position paper and 16 practical steps to reduce exposure to cell phones and wireless radiation.

Signeringen av The Nicosia Declaration 2017
Signeringen av The Nicosia Declaration 2017

On November 11, 2017, Medical Associations in Cyprus and Austria issued a new position paper calling for new policy to protect the public from electromagnetic radiation emissions from cell phones and other wireless devices. The Associations also issued new medical recommendations for the public as 16 Practical Steps to reduce exposure to cell phones and other sources of radiofrequency radiation.

Dette må vel sees som en naturlig oppfølging av kypriotiske myndigheters kampanje lansert i desember 2015:

The 2017 Nicosia Declaration on Electromagnetic and Radiofrequency Radiation

The 2017 Nicosia Declaration on Electromagnetic and Radiofrequency Radiation was signed at the November 11, 2017 seminar “The impact of non-ionizing radiation on health: A myth or an emerging medical challenge?” organized in cooperation with the Austrian Medical Chamber, the Medical Chamber of Vienna, the Cyprus Medical Association and the Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health.

The new position paper states the problem is that existing regulatory limits for wireless device emissions inadequately address biological effects and long-term effects from exposure to cell phones and wireless devices. Dr. Peter Agathangelou, President of the Cyprus Medical Association, Dr. Thomas Szekeres, President of the Vienna Medical Chamber and Dr. Stella Canna Michaelidou, President of the Cyprus Committee on Environment and Children’s Health were signatories representing their respective organizations. “We believe that substantial scientific evidence of risks for foetuses and children does exist, indicating damages that could be serious and in some cases irreversible….

The policy recommendations include:

  • Public exposure limits should be revised and strengthened to reflect current use patterns, to consider children’s vulnerability and to protect for biological effects
  • Health and education sector decisionmakers need to promote reductions of public exposures in schools and kindergartens by promoting wired networks rather than wireless.
  • Home exposures should be reduced by minimizing wireless use at home
  • Medical professionals need to be educated and share information with patients
  • The public should be fully informed so they can make informed choices.

Dette mens norske myndigheter, media og selvoppnevnte høytideligheter skråsikkert uttaler at; “Neida, stråling er ikke farlig!

16 anbefalinger for å redusere strålingseksponering

Sixteen recommendations to reduce personal exposure were issued, including that children under age 16 should only use cell phones for emergencies, to use airplane mode and turn off wireless antennas in electronics before handing devices to children, to distance the phone away from the body and use wired connections rather than wireless connections.

These recommendations were based on the existing rules published annually by the Medical Chamber of Vienna, Austria, the Cyprus Committee on Environment and Children’s Health and the recent Reykjavik 2017 Appeal.

In Cyprus, wireless networks have been removed from children’s classrooms to reduce their daily exposure to radiofrequency radiation. The Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health recently released a new video aimed at teenagers about how to reduce exposure to cell phone and wireless radiation. Previously, the Cyprus National Committee released a brochure about how to reduce exposure and a video for parents and for pregnant women about reducing exposure to cell phone and wireless radiation.



Nicosia 2017 Declaration Position Paper on Electromagnetic Radiation and Radiofrequency Radiation in English

Nicosia 2017 Declaration Position Paper on Electromagnetic Radiation and Radiofrequency Radiation in Greek

16 Practical Rules To Decrease Mobile Phone and Wireless electromagnetic Radiation Nicosia 2017 Declaration in English

16 Practical Rules To Decrease Mobile Phone and Wireless electromagnetic Radiation Nicosia 2017 Declaration in Greek

Video Educating teenagers about cell phones and Wi-Fi

Learn more about Cyprus protective policy and actions at EHT’s Cyprus webpage.

Learn more about worldwide policy on radiofrequency radiation at EHT’s worldwide policy page.


Felles løft til felles nytte

Om Redaksjonen 109 artikler
Nettsiden er et folkeinitiativ for å påpeke KEISEREN UTEN KLÆR i AMS-smartmålersaken og i den EMF-relaterte helse- og miljøskandale som nå bygger seg opp i Norge og internasjonalt. Statens Strålevern, NVE og andre myndighetsorganer har ikke fulgt med i timen i forhold til nyere forskning som til fulle avdekker og dokumenterer hvor farlig disse AMS-målerne og EMF-stråletåka i realiteten er. I tillegg blir vi påtvunget en privatlivskrenkende overvåkningsdings i sikringsskapet. Dette kan vi ikke akseptere fra våre egne myndigheter. Folkeaksjonen er herved startet.

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